Modeling complex for research of human hemodynamic under atmosphere pressure changes
Lissov P.

The thesis for a candidate degree in technical sciences in the specialty 05.13.09 – medical and biological informatics and cybernetics. International Research and Training Centre of Information Technologies and Systems, Kiev, 2011.

The given thesis provides new solutions for the problem of mathematical model development for research of human hemodynamic under atmosphere pressure changes. This allowed an investigation of the role of liquids distribution in hemodynamic stabilization under pressure changes.

The complex mathematical model that describes the cardiovascular system, kidneys, barometric control system, fluids dynamics in intra- and intercellular and lymphatic spaces functioning under changing atmosphere pressure was created. The modeling technology that is based on complex model decomposition into a set of independent mathematical models of anatomic functional systems and the implementation of each of them as a separate software unit that provides defined interface was presented. The technology allowed the provision of a formal way of interconnection and interchange of such modules without introducing any restrictions on their inner structure and software instruments for models setup and modeling results analysis.

A set of experiments that proved the model complex as being adequate to processes under research was performed on these models. They show that sensitivity to atmosphere pressure changes in dynamics and independence of hemodynamic state to any given stable level of pressure is explained by liquid redistribution in the human body.

Keywords: modeling complex; mathematical model of human hemodynamic; baroreceptor control; atmospheric pressure; liquid distribution in the human body.
Bibliography records:
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